Play continues in this manner until somebody wins the game. Once a player has rolled the die and has drawn any beetle parts, they pass the die clockwise to the next player who then takes a turn. If a number is rolled that matches a body part that cannot be drawn or that the player has already drawn (e.g., the player rolls a 1 but they have already drawn the body) then the player’s turn ends. There are some restrictions on when each body part can be drawn: You must draw a body first, then a head, so the legs, tail and head cannot be drawn until the player has rolled a 1 and drawn the body, and the eyes and antennae cannot be drawn until the player has rolled a 2 and drawn the head. They then draw a body part of a bug on their paper depending on the number rolled. That player picks up the die and rolls it. How to Play Beetle: Randomly choose a player to begin. The first player to finish drawing their beetle wins.Įquipment: One 6-sided die, Pencil and paper for each player Object of the Game: In turn, players roll a die to determine which body part of a beetle (or bug or cootie) they are allowed to draw. Beetle is a simple but creative dice game of rolling and drawing.